Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Gardening Can Be A Field of Learning for Kids

I remember my childhood times when i used to help my mother in gardening..We were planting tomatoes that time. I dig soil and put the tomato seeds in it. Everyday i get to visit the one i planted and keep asking my mother how long should i wait for it to grow and bear fruit.. My mother would simply answer me that i have to wait, it takes time. .so i just waited for it and i visited it everyday and  uproot those weeds around it.

Remembering those things, i realized that helping my mother gardening teaches me something. It teaches me how to take care of something and how to be patient. I do an exercise also, like digging the soil and uprooting those weeds around my tomatoes :) .

In both aspects, it is a big help for me as i grow up. It is such a very good field of learning for me when i was a child. So If you have a kids, why not teach them how to garden? for them to learn something too..

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